Ekşi Sözlük’te adıma açılan başlıktaki bir yoruma cevabım

Ekşi Sözlük’te adıma açılan başlıktaki bir yoruma cevabım

Ekşi Sözlük'te adıma açılan başlıkta eski bir öğrencim yorum yazmış. Belki bu bloğu takip ediyordur görür belki de yıllar sonra ...

.             ” Osmanlı mimarları, mimari süslemelerinin örneklerini pek uzak yerlerde aramayıp, kendi evlerinin bahçelerinde bulunan bitkilerden ve çiçeklerden almışlardı. Çünkü, görebilen için estetik, uzak diyarlarda değil yanıbaşındaydı, bahçesindeydi insanın. Bu yüzden Osmanlı mimarları çiçek süslemesi olarak en fazla fasulyeyi sevdi, fasulyeyi tercih etti. Uzun zaman taht sahibiydi fasulye, ta ki İstanbul Düğünçiçeği arz-ı endam edene […]

We all know the Fener Greek High School. Alrigth, do we all know the Maraslis Greek Primariy School? I’m sure, no. This building which attracts attention with its four column entrance, is neither a old greek temple or a presidentship palace. It is a primary school. It was built as a primary school, was not converted from a another building. […]

“Fathers were leaving their sons and mothers were leaving their babies and doctors were not going to visit their patients. Every house had turned into a cemetery.” A European writer said so, for plague that killed mice first and after millions of people at once. For this reason plague’s nickname was Black Death. The plague epidemic first appeared in China […]

Germans did not build too many buildings in Istanbul but buildings they built marked the architectural history of Istanbul. So to speak, the Germans did little but they did amazing. Haydarpaşa Train Station that stamped veiw of the Bosphorus, Sirkeci Train Station, Germanya Inn that is one of the first concrete building of the Istanbul, Rumeli Inn that one of […]

Haydarpaşa Train Station is the most magnificent historical building built by Germans in Istanbul. It’s located edge of the Bosphorus in Kadıköy and was built in 1908 by architects Otto Ritter and Helmuth Cuno. The basis of  station is solid and safe because it has 1100 wooden piles with 21 meters high in its basis. The station rises on the […]

The best way to defend a city in the Middle Ages, was to build a city wall. The city was being protected from enemies by these walls. These walls were advantageous so 5000 soldiers defending the city could resist 100,000 soldiers. Constantinople had the most powerful defense system of the Middle Ages. These walls around Constantinople that cover 19.5 kilometers […]

The gate that Byzantine Empire used for military purposes. This is only the military gate that should be seen along the entire route. It was closed most of the  military gates by Ottomans and Byzantines because it was not necessary. Military gates are smaller than civil gates and are unpretentious architecturally. The gate is called the first military gate because […]

Where did name of Curved Gate (in Turkish: Eğrikapı) come from? The subject is controversial. A traveler of Ottoman who Evliya Çelebi says that after the conquest, a group of immigrants from Eğirdir were placed in this neighborhood. Eremya Çelebi who is traveler of same period and historian says that the gate is curve. John Frelly who is called Modern […]

In the middle ages (or medieval period) every castle had a water tower. Water would enter the city from here. People could enter through the water channels. Therefore, a water tower was built here to ensure safety. So this tower called watery tower (in Turkish : Sulukule). Sulukule Gate was both civilian and a military gate. The cross on the […]

Topkapı Gate, was completely destroyed during the conquest and it was rebuilt after the conquest. The gate got its Turkish name because of some cannonballs  that beat the walls during the conquest. After these cannonballs was placed on the gate. Some travelers who visited walls of Istanbul in the middle of the 19th century talked about these cannonballs. On the […]

This gate took its name from Yenikapı Mevlevi Dervish House that is stayed outside wall. The gate was built in second Theodosius period and managed to preserve its original form for hundreds of years. The Byzantines called this gate the Russian Gate. Russian Gate A group of Russians lived in Eyüp during the Byzantine period but entry to Istanbul was […]

Bu gezi rehberini bir yazı dizisi olarak hazırlıyorum. İster yazı dizisi olarak okuyun ister rehber olarak kabul edip sarayı bir güzergah halinde nokta nokta gezin. Dizi sekiz ayrı yazıdan oluşacak. Birinci bölümü budur. Bu yazı Topkapı Sarayı’na bir giriş niteliği taşıyor. Osmanlı’da devlet nasıl yönetilir? Devlet yöneticileri nasıl bir eğitim görerek yetişirler? Osmanlı, yabancı devletlerin elçilerini nasıl karşılar? Ve bu […]

Yazı dizimizin ikinci bölümüne  Eski Saray’ın yapımı, Yeni Sarayı’n yapılışı, sarayın genel özellikleri ve sarayda sergilenen koleksiyonlar ile devam ediyoruz. Topkapı Sarayı’nın inşasının ne zaman başladığı konusunda farklı kaynaklar farklı tarihlendirmelerde bulunuyorlar. Kimi kaynaklar 1458 derken kimi kaynaklar da 1459 konusunda diretiyor. Ama yapıldığı dönem hakkında herkes hem fikir. O da, Eski Saray’ın inşasının bitirilip Yeni Saray’ın yapımına başlanmasıdır. İstanbul’un fethinden […]

Just as Silivri Gate, some of the wall gates got their names from the road they were on. Silivri Gate is on the road that goes the Silivri district and has two defense towers just as Belgrade Gate. The bruial chambers of emperors that are about 1700 years old, are next the gate. You should see these bruial chambers. While […]

This gate knit during Byzantine period in 12th century and stayed closed for 700 years that is why called “closed gate” by Ottomans. The gate was reopened in 1886, to fecilitate arrivals and departures to the Balıklı Greek Hospital. Why was the gate called Belgrade? After the conquest of Belgrade, a group of Belgrade prisoners were brought to Istanbul in […]

Some art historians consider this gate as a complete Turkish work in terms of style and architecture and show inscription of 3rd Ahmet period on the gate as evidence. The gate was built in Byzantine period but rebuilt by Sultan 3rd Ahmet in 18th century. It had a eagle emblem on it that is symbol of Byzantine, until near the […]

This gate, which is completely covered with Marmara Island marble, has two towers and three passages, is the most magnificent gate of Istanbul. The emperors and commanders that won the triumph, entered the city from this gate in Byzantine period, for this reason the gate is monumental. This gate called as Golden Gate because of it covered with golden gilts […]

Edirnekapı Hill is highest hill of Istanbul with 76 meters. Edirne Gate that gave this hill its name, is the e most important gate after Golden Gate. The gate took its name as it is situated on the way to the province of Edirne. Some Byzantium emperors used this gate to go on expedition also Ottoman sultas were entering to […]

Some of idioms and names that we used as popular, derived either from a grove, a neighborhood or from a mansion on Bosphorus. The story of mauser (mavzer in Turkish) which is a kind of rifle, began in a waterfront residence on Bosphorus. A gun merchant : Monsieur Huber Huber Mansion located in Tarabya and using as Presidential Mansion now, […]

Said Halim Pasha was an Islamist who studied social sciences. Has made ımportant contributions development of Islamist thought  in Ottoman Empire . In his books, strongly opposed Westernism. Pasha entered to the parliament in 1908, rose rapidly, became Grand Vizier in 1913. He held this post more than four years. During this time, used this waterfront residence as working office […]

The Karatodori family of Greek origin, was a family that raised the important bureaucrats to the Ottoman State.

Stefan Karatodori who is one of the Karatodori family, was private physician of Sultan Mahmud II and Sultan Abdülmecid. Konstantin Karatodori was first surgeon in History of Ottoman Medicine.

The some waterfront residences in theBosphorus hosted important events of Ottoman history. This building is one of the them too.

Recaizde Mahmut Ekrem who was owner of this waterfront residence, was one of the famous writers of Tanzimat period and his Car Love (Araba Sevdası in Turkish ) book was famous.

Located in İstinye, had this waterfront residence built, in 1870, by ambassador to Iran Muhsin Khan. Later it became the property of Sharif Hussein.

All right, who’s this Hussein?

A dreamer who wants to be king of the region from Arabia to Syria.

The famous agent Lawrence of Arabia is his best friend.

Damat Ferit Pasha who served as grand vizier between 1919 and 1920, was live here as he tried to hampered the Turkish Independence War. He was a British fan and didn’t trust his people. I hate him.


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