Some of idioms and names that we used as popular, derived either from a grove, a neighborhood or from a mansion on Bosphorus. The story of mauser (mavzer in Turkish) which is a kind of rifle, began in a waterfront residence on Bosphorus.

A gun merchant : Monsieur Huber

Huber Mansion located in Tarabya and using as Presidential Mansion now, one of the important symbols Ottoman – Germany Alliance which developed late 19th century. Because, the owner of this mansion, August Huber, was Ottoman representative of the German arms company Mauser.

Ottoman State began to buy technology that it need, from Germany, when began to develop Ottoman – Germany relations during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II. For example, Baghdad and Hejaz railways, Haydarpaşa Railway Station, great tenders, etcetera.

Ottoman Empire was buying guns that it need, from German companies. Mauser was one of the this German arms companies. The representative of this company, August Huber bought this waterfront residence in 1890.

Huber Waterfront Residence 

This building consists three storey, ten rooms and three bathrooms, is on of the taking attention with onion domes on Bosphorus. The architect of this mansion don’t know. It is known that August Huber bought this mansion from a Armenian family in 1890 and was named after him.

The famous Italian architect Raimondo D’Aronco added a few buildings around the mansion after Huber bought this mansion so mansion won a appearance of large that consist a lot parts.

Mansion’s garden is one of the widest gardens in Bosphorus and is decorate with statues whose sculptors unknown. The mansion expropriationed by President Kenan Evren in 1985 and began to used as Presidential Cottage.

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